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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Activities Week Commencing 08/06/20

Hi Everyone, 


I hope you are all doing well, it has been lovely to see some of your wonderful work this past week I know it can be hard to keep motivated when you are working from home but I feel that you are doing a great job so keep up the good work. As usual these are all ideas and you can go back and complete work from other weeks if you wish or you can complete your own activities. 


This week there is a big focus on careers, the National Career Service are competing some activities on line and I have also included the 'My Week at work' information. You can follow the 'My week at work' PowerPoint there is a weekly timetable if you would like to do something different. Don't forget to send me some work or pictures. 


I look forward to seeing you all, take care. 


