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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Work of the Governing Body Spring 16

The work of the Governing body continues on a daily basis. Working with the Senior Leadership Team, the Governing board have strategic oversight of school improvement and our responsibility to our community. We have continued to work cohesively and tirelessly to achieve the best outcomes for children.


Recently we have agreed the following premises developments to ensure that we continue to be responsive to the changing needs of our population.


  • New classroom (in response to the growing demand for places at Kirkleatham)
  • New changing / shower areas (in response to the complex personal care needs of learners)
  • Swimming pool developments (in line with our aspirations to provide a range of opportunities outside of the school day for our learners, and the wider community)
  • Rewire – next phase (general maintenance of the building, supported by the local authority)
  • School Kitchen development (in response to the growing population and complexity of providing a quality service for learners aged 3- 19 years)


Governors have considered the financial management implications for school, both in the short term and for the future. We have looked at benchmark data to ensure that school falls within the appropriate range for spends etc We have prioritised actions for our current learners as well as planning strategically for the future development and journey of the school. The FE building has taken a significant amount of time (working with the contactor and local authority) to ensure that it provides a safe, stimulating and flexible resource that prepares students for adulthood and the next stage of their learning beyond school. Governors have ensured that all health and safety requirements (Fire evacuation plans, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans etc) are compliant and relevant to the needs of our learners.


We identified the need for a restructure of the leadership team to ensure that we are well prepared for the increasingly complex demands of our community. This identified several options before agreeing the one implemented. Accountability measures have been explored and challenged to achieve the very best value for money, successful succession planning and the growth of the school. We have worked with an external consultant to review and further develop the “Closing the gap” agenda within school via accountability measures. Governors also monitor the attendance and welfare of staff on a termly basis.


Pupil progress is continually challenged and achievements of pupils are shared and celebrated. Governors spend time in classrooms, are scheduled to attend evidence scrutinies with staff this term and will participate in learning walks with senior leaders during Summer term. The use of pupil premium to support teaching and learning (to secure the best outcomes for children) is also closely monitored and impact evaluated.


Every term as Chair of Governors I monitor the Single Central Record of school and ensure that all safeguarding arrangements are in place. All governors have completed safeguard training with most Governors attending an update session last term. The staffing committee members are trained in Safer Recruitment and have recently had updates on this training.


Our parent governors have consulted with other parents and carers to provide an range of informal “coffee and a chat” opportunities. Two sessions have been held since September in Acorns café, with others scheduled throughout the year.


School priorities for this coming year are determined by the needs of our community. There is a focus on


The development of Communication Skills, methods and approaches.


Developing the role of leaders within and across Phases.


Working in partnerships with other schools to ensure secure teacher judgements in assessment.


Developing an appropriate tracking system of pupil progress.


Remodelling the curriculum and resources to meet the changing needs of our community.


I look forward to bringing you termly updates on our work, in partnership with staff and parents, to achieve great things for our inspirational learners.


If you have any queries about the work we do, or any questions about our provision, please don’t hesitate to contact me via school.



Dr Doug Thomson


Chair of Governors.
