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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"


Hi Yellow Class 

Here are some phonics ideas! We are largely working on phase one phonics in Yellow Class. We follow The Letters and Sounds scheme. 
Phase One of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children's speaking and listening skills and lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in Phase 2. The emphasis during Phase 1 is to raise children's awareness of the sounds around them and to develop their listening skills. Activities suggested in the guidance include going on a listening walk and seeing what you can hear in your environment.

Here are some videos that may help you practise these skills at home smiley


Listening games - 

How to Play: Hone listening skills in a fun and interactive way. You could explore all of the sounds together first, then play the video at different points throughout. Pause the video and ask children to choose the correct object/picture that represents that sound. Or simply pass the child the correct object/picture. Then unpause and reveal. Repeat as many times as you like. Ideal as a starter for tuning into sounds.

Listening Game - Phase 1 Phonics - Listening and Attention Skills

Listening skills can be difficult to master. Help develop listening skills. This activity works brilliantly alongside the popular children's book 'The Gruffalo’

Zoo Animal Sounds Listening Game - Phase 1 Phonics

Zoo Animal Sounds Listening Game - Phase 1 Phonics Listening skills can be difficult to master for many children. Help children develop their listening skills. This video works well alongside the book ‘Dear Zoo’

Here are the phase 1 sounds that children will begin to learn when they have mastered hearing and identifying sounds. I will also post some fun sensory activities you could use to help your child explore these sounds. 

Phase 1 Phonics Letter Sounds (Set 1)

Phase 1 Phonics Letter Sounds This Phase 1 video was created to help introduce letter sounds, usually as initial sounds.
