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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Your Future Your Choice Event 2017

We are delighted to invite you and your organisation to be part of this year’s transition to adulthood event for young people with a disability in Redcar and Cleveland.

When: Thursday 4th May 2017

Where: Inspire To Learn, Normanby Road, Eston, TS6 9AG

What time: 3pm – 7pm 

Who for: Young people aged 13-25 with additional needs and their families.

Over 40 organisations will be attending this year’s event which aims to support, advise and inform young people of some of the options available to them for their future.

There will be a range of organisations involved, covering several topics including; education, health, social care, employment, training, housing and transport, in addition to support services for young people and their carers.

It is an opportunity for young people, parents, carers and professionals to discover what provisions are available in and around the Redcar and Cleveland area. It is hoped that this event will hopefully allay some of the fears that exist surrounding transition.