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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

2012 -13

For the year 2012 – 2013 our school received £14,620


The percentage of our pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is: 46%. The national percentage is 19.3%.


During 2012- 2013 we used the Pupil Premium in the following ways:


Employing a School Counsellor for half a day per week to offer pupils emotional and behavioural support


Staffing and resourcing After-school and Lunchtime clubs


The purchase of early reading (communication) resources


Impact of the Pupil Premium:


The number of behavioural incidents has fallen by 42%


The number of pupils accessing support has increased.


The number of pupils accessing extended school activities in years 7-11 is 69%


We now have a consistent school-wide approach to Objects of Reference which supports communication for our children with complex needs.
