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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Woodlands Nursery

Heavy Work and Deep Pressure Activities


Simply follow the instructions given at each stage.

Makaton Topic - FAMILY - Singing Hands

For our #Makaton Topic series - here are some useful #Family signs including the lesser-know signs for Uncle, Aunt and Cousin. Once you've learned these sign...

Makaton Topic - THINGS IN MY HOME - Singing Hands

For our #Makaton Topic series - here are some of our favourite signs for Things in my #Home. These are some great starter signs for little ones too. You'll s...

Makaton Topic - COLOURS - Singing Hands

For our #Makaton Topic series - here are hopefully all the signs for #Colours that you will need! We are always singing songs, playing games or reading stori...

Makaton Topic - FARM ANIMALS - Singing Hands

For our #Makaton Topic series - here are some useful #FarmAnimals signs. Once you've learned these signs - why not check out all our songs featuring these si...

Makaton Topic - WILD ANIMALS - Singing Hands

For our #Makaton Topic series - here are some useful #WildAnimals signs. We spend so much of our time singing, signing and telling stories with wild animals ...

Stop, Elephant Stop.avi

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Speech and Language - Parachute Activity

Still image for this video
Don't worry if you haven't got a parachute you can use a sheet, blanket or towel.