It is really important that you inform school of any absence.
In the case of absence please contact school on the first morning as early as possible to make sure we record the reason correctly.
The contact number for the school is 01642 483009 – if we are busy and there is no answer, please leave a message on the voicemail confirming the pupils name, class, reason for the absence and how long you expect it to last.
You can also email this information to:-
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school or has an appointment, parents/carers, must contact the school office by 9.00am. Messages can be left on the school student absence line if you are unable to speak to a member of the office staff.
We are aware that, in some instances, messages are being sent direct to Teachers on Class DoJo; however, it is not always possible for these messages to be accessed during school time and this may result in attendance information to be recorded inaccurately. We would also ask that parents who have passed messages to bus escorts regarding any absences to contact the school to confirm their child’s absence.
Please note if your child has sickness or diarrhoea it is school policy for the child to remain at home for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. We have taken this advice from the NHS Infection Control Policy.
If the school does not receive any contact from a parent or carer, then school office staff will telephone to enquire as to why your child is not at school. Where parents/carers have not provided a reason for absence and no contact has been made with a parent or carer, then the child will receive an unauthorised absence mark for that day.
We thank you for your co-operation with this matter.