Work of the Governing Body Summer 2017
This has been another busy exciting term for all at Kirkleatham Hall School with efforts to develop the school facilities and ensuring that we have the best possible resources, accommodation and buildings for our students to allow them to achieve their maximum potential.
Premises, Health and Safety Committee (also including Behaviour and Well being)
The work done last term by the Senior Leaders and Governors has provided funding to allow us to identify and commit to the playground developments, in particular a very exciting outdoor play and social area. This facility will be built during the school summer holiday and will be an exciting prospect for the students return in September.
In addition we have been able to fund improvements in some of the toilet and hygiene rooms to accommodate the needs of children with more complex needs as they progress through school.
Team Teach training has been extended to all of our primary staff while the Thrive Initiative for behavioural support noted last term, is being extended across school while one of the Deputy Head Teachers is currently undertaking further training to allow him to offer training across the authority. This will provide an income source for school funds.
With regard to well being, a small group of staff have continued their preparation for the Redcar 5K race with an extra incentive being in a competition between some of our local school partners.
The annual Health and Safety audit was done by the Local Authority with governor involvement, resulting in a completely satisfactory outcome.
Staffing Committee
There has been a lot of recruitment activity and following interviews in which governors were fully involved we have recruited 5 Teaching Assistants and a school receptionist. The large number of TAs was, in part, due to the fact that 3 of the current post holders will be moving on to Teacher Training reflecting the school philosophy of supporting developing our own staff to their fullest potential. There was a huge interest in the vacancies and a high quality of applicants. Without exception people interviewed spoke highly of the reputation of Kirkleatham being part of the motivation to apply.
The need for a Receptionist arose because our previous receptionist has been appointed as Finance Officer (her professional experience prior to joining us had been in banking)
Governors maintain an on going interest and commitment to the health and well being of all staff as well as their Professional Development.
Curriculum Committee
Governors have participated in a number of learning walks to get a better understanding of pupils individual needs which leads the constant review of curriculum and intervention requirements. Governors also attend the evidence scrutiny sessions to maintain awareness of the progress being made at an individual level by students.
Finance Committee
Governors are involved continuously in budget setting and monitoring spending, to ensure that funds are used appropriately. This is driven by the needs of pupils and in satisfying the needs in environment, resources and skills for our diverse population in respect of age and increasingly complex needs.
The budget was set after long delays about identifying the monetary values of the High Needs elements. Fortunately this clarification has meant that there has been less pressure on the school budget than that experienced by many main stream schools.
Governors have also been working with the Head and School Business Manager to identify possible opportunities for extra space and accommodation to provide better facilities and opportunities for our learners. The local Authority is sympathetic to this study and have supported an examination of possible plans particularly as it could open up space for increasing the number of school places available. Although it offers exciting possibilities the likely costs will be large.
Safeguarding Committee
All staff and Governors undertake on going training in safeguarding. There is also on going supervision of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Leads by an external consultant who has just completed his latest audit on safeguarding procedures across school.
The Safeguarding Team has been increased with the appointment of the new Family Welfare Leader who came with considerable relevant experience in her previous post. This puts her in a good position to help with both support early interventions for families where necessary.
General School Development Plan Priorities
Our Parent Governors have been working very hard to enhance the school community by promoting the in school coffee mornings for family and friends with some being held at weekends and in the holidays. These are both successful and highly valued by families and children!
Governors are regularly in school working alongside staff members and helping to encourage the school ethos that we all support, allowing us to make progress in developing and providing opportunities for all our learners to maximise their full potential.