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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"


28th April 2020

Massage Stories. 

Please use these stories as much as you want. They are fun stimulating activities. 

                                                         Hello and welcome to the 'Purple Page'.

20th April 

This weeks links are from The Sensory Projects. The first link is to a facebook page. These are LIVE sensory massages. There is one on Tuesday afternoon at 2pm and one Thursday.  You can find them here 

Body awareness

Please follow the audio instructions. Body awreness can be done often. It last twenty minutes. You need to be on the floor or on a bed together. This is a one to one activity.



31st March 2020

Over the course of the next few weeks you will find activities that you can do with your children at home. They are sensory activities.


The first activity you could try is a simple sensory story called The Secret Ingedient which is from the 'bagbooks' website, Well worth a look here

There is an example of how to deliver the story on youtube here 

Please watch this first.


I am planning on giving you permission to upload photos and video of activities you do with your child, to our assessment system - Evidence for Learning. I will explain this in a phone call but you will need an email address.

Please email me if you have problems.
