Woodlands Nursery is an assessment provision based at Kirkleatham Hall School for pre-school children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The provision provides early identification, assessment, teaching and therapy.
Woodlands Nursery is funded by the Local Authority (LA) and is jointly commissioned from Early Years and High Needs Funding for children aged two, three and four years old. This is a borough wide provision: children anywhere within Redcar and Cleveland can be referred for a place in the nursery via the Early Years Special Educational Needs (SEN) panel.
Nursery Address:
Woodlands Nursery
Kirkleatham Hall School
Kirkleatham Village
TS10 4QR
Telephone: 01642 483 009
Email: dzipfell@khs.rac.sch.uk
Website: www.kirkleathamhallschool.org.uk
Head Teacher: Paul Mclean
Assistant Head Teacher (EYFS and Woodlands Nursery Lead) - Debbie Zipfell
Chair of Governors: Derek Enderby
Nominated safeguarding children: Paul Gribbon (Designated Lead), Lucy Brodie, Paul Mclean, Debbie Zipfell, Gemma Taylor (Deputy Leads)
Nursery Teacher for Woodlands Nursery: Ellie Steedman
School Nurses – Contact Number (01642 944 504)
Child and Family Wellbeing Leader - Lucy Brodie
Reception – Claire Hunter
At Woodlands Nursery, we have divided our provision into two groups:
Communication group which runs Monday, Tuesday 8:30am – 2:30pm and Wednesday 8:30am –11:30am.
Complex Needs group which runs Wednesday 12:30pm - 3:30pm: and Thursday, Friday 8:30am – 2:30pm.
See below for more information on our two groups and activities that are on offer at Woodlands Nursery.