Hi Everyone!
Please find attached 2 weeks worth of activities for you to do at home! We’re going to miss you, so feel free to send us some of your work, pictures of you doing your work! Gemma, Chris, Jess, Emma, Laura, Julia and Deb.
Week 1 – Suggested activities
Music –Tin can drumming lesson
Art – Making a tree sculpture
Dance – Hula
Personal care – five a day make a smoothie using five portions of fruit and vegetables.
Personal care – Managing emotions
Daily living skills – Recycling
Independent living - Organising clothes
English – The elves and the shoemaker
Maths – Have a go at the coin games
Week 2– Suggested activities
Music – Creating a cutlery glockenspiel
Art – Clothes and fashion
Drama - Che Che Koolay
Personal Care – How to relax
Daily living skills - Using equipment in the kitchen
Independent living - Clothes for occasions
Independent Living – Sorting in the kitchen
English – Mischief!
Maths – Have a go at the shopping games using coins