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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Activities for Week Commencing 6th July

Attention Autism Stage 2 - Bubble Snake

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Attention Autism Stage 3 - Fishing

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The Stage 3 session is Fishing. All you need to try this at home is a selection of fish or fish shapes cut out, with a paperclip on the end. Tie a magnet to a piece of string. You could either put the fish straight on to the floor or lay down a blue towel or sheet to make the sea. When we have done this in school we have used a cardboard box to be the boat, but anything would do. You don’t need to have a boat at all if you don’t want one. Watch the video and pause it after Holly has had her turn and I have invited you to take a turn, carry out the activity at home, and then resume the video to watch the session finish.

Hippo Has a Hat-converted.avi

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Five Little Mermaids | Barefoot Books Singalong

Attention Autism Session Stage 1 and 2 . Toilets and things!

Attention Autism Session Stages 1 & 2 It's all about the toilet paper!

In this session we think about toilet paper, the vocabulary , the feel and the look. From a child's point of view if wipes have been used every day until now...
