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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Caroline O’Brien

My name is Caroline O’Brien and I have been a parent governor at Kirkleatham Hall School since February 2019. 


I have three children (triplets!) with Oliver attending Kirkleatham Hall School.   


I have lived and worked in Redcar all of my life; my main occupation now is as a painter and decorator, but I have studied and pursued many other things such as sociology, counselling and learning disabilities, many of which help me and my partner in parenting Oliver and meeting his needs.    


I started my own business within painting and decorating in 2000 and continued with this until 2014.


I am a very active person and enjoy long walks with my dog, and particularly love walking in Yorkshire and The Lake District.


I am a passionate and well-informed advocate for special educational needs and like to keep abreast of new developments that may impact on my own son and the children of Kirkleatham Hall School.


My role as parent governor is something that gives me great pride, and is something I am very dedicated to and care about a great deal.  My own personal motto for children with special educational needs is ‘Gold standard is the only standard for our children’.