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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Michelle Caddy

My name is Michelle Caddy and I have been a parent governor at Kirkleatham Hall School since May 2018.


Both of my sons now attend Kirkleatham Hall, having moved into specialist provision from more mainstream settings. 


I have lived in the North East since 1990, but was born and spent my early childhood in Greater London and Exeter.  As the daughter of a R.A.F. serviceman, there was a lot of moving around to contend with!  We finally settled in the North East in 1990, and this is where I went to secondary school in Eston, college in Middlesbrough and university in both Middlesbrough and Durham. 


After spending a few years after college not really being too sure what to do in the long term, I finally started at Teesside University and studied English for three years, and after that decided to go into secondary teaching, and studied for this at Durham University.  Before going to university however, I worked in the charitable sector for The Children’s Society and the Workers’ Educational Association. 


I’ve worked in a number of schools here in the North East before resigning from my teaching post in 2016 to become a full time carer for my two sons.  Since then I have taken opportunities to undertake courses to help my understanding and knowledge of autism and SEN, behaviour, communication and the SEND Code of Practice.  Currently, I am re-training to become a Makaton Tutor and am a member of the Steering Group of the Redcar and Cleveland Parent Carer Forum.