For the financial year April 2013 to March 2014 our school has received £26,800 representing 46% of pupils being eligible.
This year we planned to use the Pupil Premium as follows:
-Increased employment of a School Counsellor to offer emotional and behavioural support for pupils across school. This will ensure that children and their families are appropriately supported and reduce the number of behaviour incidents across school, maintaining the Outstanding judgement for Behaviour and Safety.
-Continued Staffing and resourcing of After- school and Lunchtime clubs Pupils develop friendships and learn new skills raising self -esteem, confidence and participation in school life.
-The purchase of outdoor play equipment.-Improvement in physical development including fine motor skills especially boys (researched) Communication and PSHE skills improvements.
-To research and implement appropriate reading activities and opportunities. Pupils enjoy reading and sharing books. They are motivated to take books home. Data demonstrates improved attainment for the vast majority of pupils.
-Enhancing our communication with parents to ensure that learning objectives are shared and generalised. Greater joint working leading to better outcomes for individuals
We have allocated monies to support the summer playscheme. Pupils remain motivated, maintain friendships, routines, and familiarity with school.
A Reduction in serious incidents and reduction of pupils requiring CAMHS involvement or other health involvement. There has been a 50% drop in pupils requiring Positive Handling Plans (PHPs)
A total of 43% of children across school attend clubs with over 50% participation in the secondary and FE sector.
Pupils are motivated to attend school with attendance figures rising from 90% to 92% in 2013-14.
Play house particularly helpful for ASD pupils who feel safe and secure in such environments. The environment at break times is more conducive to reducing the stressful transition between environments resulting in pupils arriving back into class more ready for learning.
Progress in reading is as follows
81% of pupils made progress in Key stage 1, 95% in Key Stage 2, 89% in Key Stage 3, 79% in Key Stage 4 and 85% in FE during 2013-14.
All pupils (100%) applying for access to play-scheme were able to attend.