Dear Parents/Carers
Once again, we have a large number of staff absence across school primarily due to co-vid. This is particularly bad within Early Years where both yellow and orange class have lost a large number of staff. Unlike before, we have the capacity to pull staff from across the school to support staff absences however even with the ability to do this we are still likely to have insufficient staffing across the school to support both classes being open. As a result of this, we have made the decision to close Orange class tomorrow (06/04/22) and Yellow class on Thursday (07/04/22). We will review staffing for Friday as staff are able to return to work once they feel well enough and are not having to isolate for a fixed period of time.
I apologise for the fact that these classes will not be open but unfortunately, there is not the level of staffing in school to ensure the safety of all the students within school.
I know these enforced closures put real strain on families and as a school, we really appreciate your support and understanding at this time.
Yours sincerely
Paul McLean
Paul McLean
Kirkleatham Hall School