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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Covid Update Letter

11th January 2022


Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                      

Confirmed positive Covid cases are extremely high in school. We are at a point where not only are we having to shut classes due to staffing shortages, but we are also shutting classes due to high levels of positive cases in one given area of school.

Government guidance is that if an individual has a negative lateral flow test on day six and day seven then they can return to work or school provided they are extra cautious and take steps to prevent the potential spread of Covid. However, due to the inability of a large number of our students to be able to follow these steps to minimise risk we have made the decision that should a student test positive they should still isolate for ten days. This is to protect the other students and staff within school as cases within school are rocketing. To clarify, day one is the day after either a positive test or when the student exhibited symptoms, whichever comes first.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these difficult times.

Yours sincerely

Paul McLean

Paul McLean


Kirkleatham Hall School
