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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

EYFS event November 2015

Come and join us to explore and find out about the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

We are inviting parents to join the EYFS team for a coffee morning or an after school event. This will provide opportunities to view resources, talk about and experience the curriculum and some of the activities your children are involved in. It will also be an opportunity to chat to the team as well as other parents.

The EYFS coffee morning will take place on Thursday 5th November from 10.30 to 11.45 in the Oakwood Building.

We will be repeating this event on Tuesday 10th of November from 5pm till 6.15 in the Oakwood Building, to allow parents who are unable to join us during the day to attend.

If you haven’t yet filled in the form please give school a ring with the information required. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on either the 5 or 10 November


Please indicate the event you would like to attend and the number of places you require.

I will require ——- place(s) at the EYFS event on Thursday 5th November at 10.30 a.m.

I will require ——- place(s) at the EYFS event on Tuesday 10th November at 5pm.


Signed ——————————————————————————————

Parent/guardian of —————————————————————————-
