12 May 2014
Dear Parent/Carers,
On Wednesday 11 June 2014 pupils from all classes will be visiting Flamingoland courtesy of the Redcar Rotary Club on a ‘National Kids Day Out’.
Pupils will leave school at around 9.30 am and return to school for approximately 5.15 pm.
A Packed lunch is being provided for Classes EYFS – 5 by the school kitchen, if your child normally brings dinner money then please send this in as normal.
Classes 7 – 10 plus FE students will be able to purchase their own lunch courtesy of the Rotary Club. Under the guidance of school staff they will choose lunch from one of the Restaurants on site.
In order to cover any questions, I hope the following will be useful to you:
Because of the unpredictable British weather each pupil should have:
• A lightweight waterproof coat or jacket with their name inside
• Sensible footwear
• Sun block cream – to save everyone sending in separate bottles, staff in each class are able to administer using one bottle with your permission. A high factor sun cream will be used on your child throughout the day. This applies to EYFS – Class 10. If you are not happy with this arrangement please send in a named bottle of sun cream with instructions, otherwise we will understand that your permission has been granted.
FE students will be responsible for their own sun protection.
Baseball caps cannot be provided this year therefore if you wish your child to wear one please provide a suitable hat with their name inside.
Pupils will need £3 each to purchase an ice cream/lollipop during the day. Please also send in two or three drinks in non-glass containers for your child during the day.
If your child requires medication before returning home please send this to school with NAME AND CLEAR WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.
To avoid congestion in the School Car Park, please note when collecting your child please park in the MUSEUM CAR PARK and leave the Coach Park empty for the school buses. The School Car Park will be closed.
As you will realise a day out like this involves a lot of organising and we hope that we have answered everyone’s queries and concerns. Pupils will be assigned to an adult who will be responsible for their welfare throughout the day. We trust we have covered everything and that they all enjoy a good day out with ‘Kids Day Out’ a national fun day sponsored by Redcar Rotary Club.