Dear Parent/Carer
The immunisation team are due to attend school on 8th June 2021 to vaccinate Year 8 pupils with their first HPV vaccine.
If you have not already consented for your child to receive these vaccines, and would like your child to receive them, please visit and use school code 111777 to give your consent. The last date to be able to give online consent is at 23.59pm on 31st May 2021. If you have no internet access, please call the immunisation consent line on 01423 557693 and we can take your consent over the phone.
If you have already given your consent for your child to receive these immunisations, then you do not need to do anything.
The Immunisation Team have a Facebook page: @childhoodimmunisationsDurhamDarlingtonandTeesside where you can find information on how to complete an online consent form.