Dear Parents/Carers
Sorry to bombard you with messages today. In line with attempting to reopen the school on Monday could I ask that if your child has any symptoms of co-vid or alternatively tests positive on a lateral flow test could you please inform school. This can be done in two ways, either via email on or alternatively via our school mobile on 07572740912 using a text message containing the name of your child and when they felt poorly/tested positive.
Also, as we are attempting to ventilate classrooms much more to restrict the spread of co-vid, given the time of year, could you ensure your child wears some warmer clothes when in school. We appreciate that for some classes the temperature of the room will need to be maintained at a certain level, so will be mindful of this when opening windows and doors.
Please keep an eye on the school website for any potential updates on school opening on Sunday evening.
Thank you for your continued support.
Paul McLean
Headteacher Kirkleatham Hall School