12th October 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
Further to my recent letter regarding a positive case of coronavirus within school we have unfortunately had a second case within school. This case is directly linked to the first case in that the person infected is a relative of the first person who has tested positive.
The second person is a Lunch Time Assistant who has been working for an hour each day within Orange class.
As a result of this I have made the decision in discussion with Public Health England that all staff and students in Orange class should self-isolate for 14 days from the last day they came into contact with the positive member of staff. This was on Thursday 8th October. So they will be due to return to school on Friday 23rd October.
At this point in time I feel this measure is sufficient to minimise the risk of the virus being spread further. However, were we to have any further cases linked to the positive member of staff then I can assure you that we would react swiftly and decisively to ensure that the risk of the virus spreading is minimised and that student and staff overall well-being is at the heart of any decision making.
I have informed staff of the need to be extra vigilant in terms of handwashing and maintaining social distances between bubbles and how important this is to ensure that if we do have more positive cases that the spread of the virus is as minimal as possible.
If your child does display any of the main recognisable symptoms of coronavirus, a continuous cough, high temperature or a loss of taste or smell please keep your child off school and arrange a test as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support with these matters.
If you have any issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself at school.
Kind regards
Paul McLean
Head Teacher