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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Letter To All Parents & Carers

18th December 2020


Dear Parent / Carer,


If your child exhibits any symptoms of Co-vid 19 during the Christmas holidays we would advise you to get your child tested.  If your child tests positive and it is before the date of Thursday 24th December could you please inform school via text on the following number 0757 274 1013, as we will be required to use this information to inform others of the possible need to self-isolate.


Could you include in the message the following information:

  • your child's name
  • the date they first exhibited symptoms
  • when they received the positive test result.


If your child tests positive after this date then we can assume that the infection has not been picked up in school and as such you do not need to inform us of the case.  If your child will miss any time in school as a result of testing positive then please inform school as usual through the school office on the first day back.


I would like to take this opportunity to once again wish you all a fantastic Christmas and New Year.


Kind regards



Paul McLean

Headteacher Kirkleatham Hall School
