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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

School Dinner - Price Increase

Dear Parent/Carer


We have not increased the price for school dinners for a number of years while costs for providing them has slowly gone up.  In order for us to continue providing wholesome and nutritious meals we will be charging the following from September 2018:-



Primary         £2.05

Secondary    £2.30

F.E                £2.30



Primary         £10.25

Secondary    £11.50

F.E.               £11.50


Over the last few years we have seen an increase in late payments for school dinners, this causes added pressure on school funds and staff time.  We therefore request that all payments are now made in advance.


If you are experiencing any difficulties in paying, please contact our Child and Family Welfare Leader, Lucy Chapman, to discuss further. 


Please be assured no child will be left without a lunch but we may request a packed lunch to be sent in should there be any ongoing outstanding balances.


Yours sincerely


Karen Robson

Head Teacher