Dear Parents/Carers
On Wednesday and Thursday this week there is planned strike action by the Royal College of Nurses. There was a discussion as to whether this would affect the School Nursing Service. This morning we have received confirmation that the strike action will include the School Nursing Service.
The reason we have a School Nurse is that educational staff are not insured or covered to provide lots of the medical interventions that our students require.
We are therefore in the position where by if your child receives any medical intervention that they will be unable to attend school on Wednesday and Thursday. This is either the administering of medication at any point during the school day or any medication that maybe needed to be administered in an emergency situation.
As a school we have fought to ensure that we have a Registered Nurse on site at all times. This is for the safety and wellbeing of our students. I am concerned that if children that usually require medical intervention attend school, that we are giving the message that we can manage without a School Nurse, which I know is not in the best interests of our students.
However, I appreciate the stress this places on you as families and I sincerely apologise for the loss of education and the inconvenience that this causes. If further strike action is planned, I will try to give you as much notice as possible now we are aware that any further strike action will include School Nurses.
Please note, if your child is on residential this week then this will only affect them on the days when they would be in school.
Yours sincerely
Paul McLean
Kirkleatham Hall School