Dear Parents/Carers
School will be open as usual on Monday. Our hope and intention is to have every class back in school. However, this will again be dependent on the number of staff we have within school. I have asked all staff to lateral flow test on Sunday and once we know what staffing levels are we will be able to make a decision about if it is safe to have every class back in.
I envisage over the next few weeks for cases to rise in school as we inevitably start mixing and, like before, it is very likely that we will have to have a planned closure of certain groups as we lose staff to illness. My hope is that we will not need to shut the whole school again as I would like to think that half term will act as our next ‘firebreak’. I am hopeful that beyond this, that cases will be at a manageable level.
All this is speculative though, with the reality being that decisions will be made on a daily basis, balancing student safety against the importance of providing education to your children.
To summarise, if it is safe to do so we will fight tooth and nail to ensure as many classes as possible stay open so that your child does not miss any more time in school. However, we have very little control over the spread of the virus and if we need to make difficult decisions then classes may need to close in order to keep school open, but functioning safely. I will try and give you as much notice as possible where I can so that the impact on your lives is less, but it is challenging as things change on a daily basis.
If you are able to lateral flow test your child if you could support school by doing so where you can to reduce the risk of the virus spreading it would be greatly appreciated. Similarly, if your child is unwell, in any way, if you could keep them off school for the time being as a precaution.
I am hopeful as I said previously that this is a small blip on our road to recovery. A virus that is far more easily transmitted, but where the impact is not as severe.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding in these difficult times.
Yours sincerely
Paul McLean
Paul McLean
Kirkleatham Hall School