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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Summer Fayre - 1.15pm – 2.45pm

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to invite you to our Summer Fayre on Thursday 23 June between 1.15pm – 2.45pm and will be hosted outside on the Primary playground and FE garden.  Entrance will be via our FE Oakwood Building.

We are arranging a number of stalls, selling a variety of goods such as; cakes, tombola, toy raffle (tickets available from school before the day for £1 per strip), beat the keeper, doggy treats, hook a duck, along with many more.  As well as invited guest stalls from KHS Friends, Everyone Active and local colleges.

Donation Request - If you have any bottles, gift packs, chocolates or anything else that you would like to donate for the tombola we would be extremely grateful if you could send them into school over the next couple of weeks.

Please feel free to invite friends and family, the more the merrier.

Notice of pupils leaving early – you are welcome to collect your child to visit the fayre on the day.  We just ask that you complete the slip sent home and return this to school before the day to confirm you will collect them from the main reception between 1pm – 1.15pm.  Pupils who are taken by parents and carers will then be your responsibility to transport home and will not be returning to classes.
