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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Update 20 May 2020 - Governments Proposal to Open up Schools

Dear Parents

Further to Monday’s update I want to let you know that we feel that the safest option for the phased opening of school in June will be to provide a service for children of key workers only, in the first instance.

Having contacted parents who identified themselves as Key Workers and are now required to return to work, this will require approximately 18-20 children attending school in “small, socially distanced groupings” of 3 or 4.

I am sure that you will understand the need for us to increase our numbers very gradually, to ensure the safety of both children and staff.  We face many challenges as our children are unable to adhere to the Government guidelines regarding social distancing and we work within a building which is really not fit for purpose (narrow corridors and limited facilities).  We will be required to adjust our curriculum offer to children attending, to ensure that there are no “shared spaces” and therefore closing off some of our dedicated teaching spaces etc.

 The safety of everyone in our community must remain our priority.

If you feel that you are a key worker and have not been contacted directly, please do not hesitate to call school.

We appreciate the challenges that you are all facing in being at home with your children for such an extensive period, and would like to remind you that we are always contactable for support

 Thank you for your understanding and support during this unprecedented time,

