Dear Parent/ Carer
I hope that you are all keeping healthy and safe.
You will be aware that the Government have asked schools to plan for welcoming back more children and young people for as soon as possible after the 1st June. All of the Teaching Unions have expressed their concern about this date and do not feel that it gives sufficient time for planning and preparation of environments etc, and being able to keep children and staff safe.
We will be calling you this week to see how you feel about your child returning.
Your child's attendance in school is not compulsory and numbers will need to be limited.
Can I stress that if you feel happier keeping your child at home rather than sending him/her to school, you should keep your child at home. There is no requirement to send your child to school.
Due to necessary preparations (personal protective equipment (PPE), additional resources, ensuring safety guidelines), we are unable to give a start date, but will keep you informed as soon as we are able to.
Keep checking this page for updated information.
Thank you for your continued support.