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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Update on School Re-opening - 4 June 2020

Dear Parents,


I would like to Thank You once again for your support, patience and understanding during these very difficult times.  You will be aware that The Government is recommending the gradual, phased reopening of schools. For mainstream school this is thought to be best achieved by introducing specific year groups, but for Special Schools they have recognised that more thought and measures are required.  Each school is thus required to find the best workable solution for their circumstances.


We are increasing our numbers on Monday to take into school approximately 20 children.  All of these children are from Key working families.


We are sharing our Risk Assessment (Key Information - Coronavirus - COVID 19) so that you can see the measures that we are putting into place to attempt to reduce the risk to our children, their families and staff.  However we recognise that particularly here in the North East, the risk remains high unless we keep numbers in school small enough to allow for social distancing of each bubble.


We will keep you posted on how this gradual increase in numbers goes, and what impact this will have on future increases and intakes.


I appreciate that the longer that these measure are required, then the more difficult things are for you at home.  We are striving to get back to a “new normal” however the Health and Safety of our community remains at the heart of all of our decisions.


Thank you yet again for your support


Stay Safe and Healthy
