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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Whole School Letter - 18-04-23

18th April 2023


Dear Parents/Carers  

Welcome back after Easter, I hope that you all managed to make some lovely memories with our precious children.

We have a number of dates coming up that I would like to make you aware of:

Thursday 27th April – Proposed NEU strike day.

This is further complicated as all the teaching unions including the NASUWT and the NAHT rejected the recent government’s pay award and have voted in favour of industrial action. However, at this point in time, only the NEU have confirmed the intention to strike on this day. We will inform you as soon as we can of what impact this strike action will have on school opening and student attendance as soon as we have more information.

Monday 1st May – May Day Bank holiday – All schools are closed on this day.

Tuesday 2nd May – Second proposed NEU strike day.

Monday 8th May – An extra bank holiday to celebrate the King’s Coronation - All schools are closed on this day.

I apologise for the potential for disruption caused by these days and hope that this is minimal.

As an aside, we will be having our own celebrations in school for the King’s Coronation this term. This will include a tea party, along with a number of creative activities that students will be able to participate in within class. More information regarding this event will be sent to yourselves over the next couple of weeks.

Just a reminder that if you have any issues or concerns in relation to your child’s education please raise those issues with us. We would be happy to listen, to reflect on our practice and, where appropriate, make things better for our children.

Wishing you a lovely summer term.

Thank you for your continued support.

Paul McLean


Kirkleatham Hall School
