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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Whole School Letter - 28th April 22

Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                      

It was lovely to have all the children back after the Easter Holidays. We are very lucky to work in a school where the children appear to be delighted to be back, a school where the staff are equally happy to see all the children. It really does feel like one big family.



Unfortunately, we are unable to run the summer play scheme this year. The play scheme has always relied heavily on a large number of volunteers. This year is the first year in a while that staff have been able to potentially go on holiday. As a result, it has been extremely difficult to gain the required number of volunteers we would need to run the play scheme. I apologise for the fact that this has had to be the case as I know how important the respite offered by the play scheme was for some parents.



The school hall is out of use until at least the end of this academic year. However, there is a concern that this may be the case for some of the Autumn Term as well. We are aware that it is not ideal that students are not getting a hot meal. A lot of our students are very particular about what they will and will not eat and offering a packed lunch, even if balanced, does not necessarily give students as broad or as balanced a diet as if they were having a hot meal.

We have trialled this week students eating a packed lunch in the classroom. The eating in the classroom has gone remarkably well, however a number of students are not eating lots of the packed lunch. We have therefore, in discussion with Barbara (school cook) looked at potential solutions to this. Our intention is to start serving hot dinners again from Monday 9th May. We will have to purchase special containers that will allow us to keep the food at the required temperature whilst it is being transported. If your child was previously on school dinners then we will presume that you will want them to go back onto hot dinners from Monday 9th May. If this is not the case could you inform school of your intentions.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter holidays and I look forward to the opportunity of potentially starting to see a lot of you face to face over the coming term.

Yours sincerely

Paul McLean

Paul McLean

Head Teacher

Kirkleatham Hall School

