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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

Winter Illness

Dear Parents/Carers        

At present, we have a large number of staff and student absence, with a variety of different causes. However, within these absences we last night had a confirmed case of Scarlet fever within school. The girl was based in Yellow class in our EYFS. Now whilst one case cannot be considered an outbreak it is extremely contagious and can spread quite quickly. The main symptoms are headache, high temperature, a flushed face and a swollen tongue. In general, Scarlet fever itself is not considered high risk and most cases are mild, however occasionally there can be complications. If your child has these symptoms you will need to keep them off school and if they are particularly unwell should seek medical advice.

I would ask that if your child is unwell, that you keep them off school and do so until you feel they are fully recovered. I appreciate that there are a lot of Christmas activities taking place in school that children may not want to miss but preventing the spread of illness must take a higher priority at this moment in time.

For cases of sickness and diarrhoea, a child should remain off for 48 hours after the last time they displayed the symptom. If a child goes home with sickness or diarrhoea, we ask that they stay off the following day but can return the day after providing the sickness or diarrhoea is not ongoing.

Kind regards

Paul McLean  


Kirkleatham Hall School

