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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

World Book Day - Thursday 7th March

Dear Parents and Friends

Thursday 7th March is World Book Day.  Kirkleatham Hall School is looking forward to celebrating this day.  The theme is “Share a Story”.  We are looking forward to sharing our favourite stories with the students and hearing all about theirs. 

The students are invited to dress up for this day as their favourite characters.  In our classes we will be exploring our favourite class story through a variety of activities and sharing these activities within our phases.

We look forward to seeing the children’s costumes and hearing about their favourite stories.

As part of the celebration, we will be raffling a gift bag of Usborne books which was kindly donated to the school by one of our parents, Emma Hebb.  Raffle tickets are now available from reception for £1 per strip of tickets and all proceeds from the raffle will go to SNAP. The raffle will be drawn at school on World Book Day.


Thank you for your continued support.

Heather James and Hayley Aspery
