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Kirkleatham Hall School

"Unlocking Potential"

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This page is used to inform you of our latest news at Kirkleatham Hall School, discuss Apple applications and view our half termly Newsletter

  • Term Dates

    Fri 28 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    28th January 2022

    Dear Parents/Carers

    As you will be aware, the Spring Bank Holiday in 2022 will be moved to Thursday 2nd June 2022 and an additional Bank Holiday on Friday 3rd June 2022 will see a four-day weekend to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 

    It is compulsory for all employees to provide an extra days Bank Holiday to celebrate this event.  Most schools will already be on their half-term breaks in the week commencing 30th May and so in order for schools to observe the Bank Holiday they will be required to do so on a different day.  The school will be taking this extra bank holiday on Monday 21st March and school will be closed for staff and pupils.  I know that many parents and carers will have work commitments and so this date has been chosen to allow the opportunity for childcare arrangements to be made if necessary. 

    SPRING TERM 2022

    • Children finish for Half Term:       Friday 18th February
    • Half Term:                                 Monday 21st to Friday 25th February
    • Children return to school:             Monday 28th February
    • Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday:      Monday 21st March – children and staff will 

    not attend school                                 

    • Children finish for Easter holidays: Friday 8th April
    • Easter break:                              Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April

    SUMMER TERM 2022

    • Children return to school:            Monday 25th April
    • May Day Bank Holiday:                 Monday 2nd May – Children and staff will not               

    attend school

    • Children finish for Half Term:      Friday 27th May
    • Half Term:                                 Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June
    • Children return to school:             Monday 6th June
    • Children break up for Summer       Wednesday 20th July


    • Staff Professional                       Thursday 21st July

    Development Day


    Paul McLean

    Head Teacher

  • Letter Regarding Covid Notifications

    Fri 14 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                 

    Sorry to bombard you with messages today. In line with attempting to reopen the school on Monday could I ask that if your child has any symptoms of co-vid or alternatively tests positive on a lateral flow test could you please inform school. This can be done in two ways, either via email on or alternatively via our school mobile on 07572740912 using a text message containing the name of your child and when they felt poorly/tested positive.

    Also, as we are attempting to ventilate classrooms much more to restrict the spread of co-vid, given the time of year, could you ensure your child wears some warmer clothes when in school. We appreciate that for some classes the temperature of the room will need to be maintained at a certain level, so will be mindful of this when opening windows and doors.

    Please keep an eye on the school website for any potential updates on school opening on Sunday evening.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Paul McLean


    Headteacher Kirkleatham Hall School

  • School open on 17th January

    Fri 14 Jan 2022


    Dear Parents/Carers
    School will be open as usual on Monday. Our hope and intention is to have every class back in school. However, this will again be dependent on the number of staff we have within school. I have asked all staff to lateral flow test on Sunday and once we know what staffing levels are we will be able to make a decision about if it is safe to have every class back in.
    I envisage over the next few weeks for cases to rise in school as we inevitably start mixing and, like before, it is very likely that we will have to have a planned closure of certain groups as we lose staff to illness. My hope is that we will not need to shut the whole school again as I would like to think that half term will act as our next ‘firebreak’. I am hopeful that beyond this, that cases will be at a manageable level.
    All this is speculative though, with the reality being that decisions will be made on a daily basis, balancing student safety against the importance of providing education to your children.
    To summarise, if it is safe to do so we will fight tooth and nail to ensure as many classes as possible stay open so that your child does not miss any more time in school. However, we have very little control over the spread of the virus and if we need to make difficult decisions then classes may need to close in order to keep school open, but functioning safely. I will try and give you as much notice as possible where I can so that the impact on your lives is less, but it is challenging as things change on a daily basis.
    If you are able to lateral flow test your child if you could support school by doing so where you can to reduce the risk of the virus spreading it would be greatly appreciated. Similarly, if your child is unwell, in any way, if you could keep them off school for the time being as a precaution.
    I am hopeful as I said previously that this is a small blip on our road to recovery. A virus that is far more easily transmitted, but where the impact is not as severe.
    Thank you for your continued support and understanding in these difficult times.
    Yours sincerely
    Paul McLean
    Paul McLean
    Kirkleatham Hall School
  • School Closure

    Wed 12 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    We today made the decision to close school for the rest of the week, with the school reopening on Monday 17th January. This was not a decision that was taken lightly. We have had an unprecedented number of positive covid cases. In total since the return after Christmas we have had 21 staff who have tested positive. On top of this we have had 14 students with confirmed positive cases but many more who have had to go home displaying symptoms.

    These cases have continued to grow and this morning we would have been at a point where possibly seven classes would have needed to close. Our children do not have the ability to socially distance, a lot of them will not wear masks, they are transported in on mixed transport with groups from across school. I feel the situation would have only got worse and in doing so put some of our learners at real risk.

    Within school, we have a number of children who during the first wave of the pandemic were classed as clinically extremely vulnerable and were unable to attend school. Despite evidence pointing to the Omicron variant being less severe there is not sufficient data to determine the impact of this variant on students who are extremely vulnerable.

    I did not take the decision to close the school lightly, however the safety of our students will always be our paramount concern. I appreciate the difficulty this decision will have on some families and I do apologise for the inconvenience caused. However, by shutting the school for three days and reopening on Monday it should allow us to have the majority of staff return, asymptomatic cases will have disappeared and this should hopefully allow us to open the whole school on Monday. This will be dependent on staffing levels over the weekend.

    I also apologise that parents were informed of the school closure at the last minute. However, we only hear of staff illness and positive covid cases on the morning and we are then in a position where we then need to be reactive to this. Unfortunately, due to the high number of cases we do not have any surplus staff so if staff report an absence it has a direct impact on whether classes are safe to open.


    Paul McLean


    Headteacher Kirkleatham Hall School

  • Diamond Class Closure

    Tue 11 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    Due to a number of positive coronavirus cases within Diamond class, the class will be closed from tomorrow (Weds 12th January) until the end of the week. It will reopen as usual next Monday 17th January. I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Emerald class will reopen tomorrow for those who are not isolating. Thank you for your continued support at these difficult times.

  • Covid Update Letter

    Tue 11 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    11th January 2022


    Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                      

    Confirmed positive Covid cases are extremely high in school. We are at a point where not only are we having to shut classes due to staffing shortages, but we are also shutting classes due to high levels of positive cases in one given area of school.

    Government guidance is that if an individual has a negative lateral flow test on day six and day seven then they can return to work or school provided they are extra cautious and take steps to prevent the potential spread of Covid. However, due to the inability of a large number of our students to be able to follow these steps to minimise risk we have made the decision that should a student test positive they should still isolate for ten days. This is to protect the other students and staff within school as cases within school are rocketing. To clarify, day one is the day after either a positive test or when the student exhibited symptoms, whichever comes first.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these difficult times.

    Yours sincerely

    Paul McLean

    Paul McLean


    Kirkleatham Hall School

  • Emerald Class Closure

    Sat 08 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    Dear parents/carers 

    Unfortunately we have had a number of positive cases of covid within emerald class. As a result we are going to close the class on Monday and Tuesday next week. Provided we have no further cases we will reopen the class on Wednesday after we have done a deep clean within the classroom. We will let you know as soon as we can if this situation changes.

  • Class Closures WC 10th January

    Fri 07 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                                  

    As per my letter on the first day back, we continue to have incredibly high levels of staff absence because of the Omicron variant of Co-vid 19.

    At this current time we know there will be a minimum of seven staff off next week with co-vid. This is likely to increase considerably by the end of the weekend.

    As a result of this, we have made the decision to close two classes next week. The classes closed next week will be Orange class and Sapphire Class. If the staffing situation improves over the course of next week, we will let you know if we are able to reopen the class, however the likelihood is that these classes will be closed for the week.

    I apologise for the fact that these classes will not be open but unfortunately, there is not the level of staffing in school to ensure the safety of all the students within school.

    If we have to close a class, we will try to ensure that this happens only once for that class, so that each child only misses one week of schooling. For those classes that have not missed a week of school please be prepared that your child’s class may close for one week over the next month or so. We will attempt to give you as much notice as possible, where we can, although this is challenging as it is impossible to predict staffing levels from one week to the next.

    I know these enforced closures put real strain on families and as a school we really appreciate your support and understanding at this time.

    Yours sincerely

    Paul McLean


    Headteacher Kirkleatham Hall School

  • URGENT COVID UPDATE 3rd Jan 2022

    Mon 03 Jan 2022 Paul McLean

    If your child has any symptoms (not just the usual COVID symptoms) then please don’t send them in to school. Staffing is extremely tight across school due to a number of staff testing positive on lateral flow tests and PCR tests. Whilst we will do our best to keep classes open, in some cases classes will need to close. Unfortunately this week three classes have had to be closed Nursery, Rainbow and Rosedale, due to the large number of staff absences within these classes.
